Celebrating Generations Gala

Celebrating Generations Gala 6pm Thursday May 2 2024 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts

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2024 Spirit of Carie Award

Paul Nathanson, 2024 Spirit of CARIE Award Honoree

Paul is a national leader in legal services and elder justice. He has dedicated his career to ensuring that legal services lawyers on the national, state, and local levels can effectively fight senior poverty and address barriers for those facing the most significant health and wealth disparities. Paul founded Justice in Aging (formerly the National Senior Citizens Law Center) and was the Executive Director from 1972 to 1980.

He returned to lead Justice in Aging from 2008-13 and now serves as special counsel, working on projects such as the organization’s efforts to restore and improve the Supplemental Security Income program. In between, he was the director of the University of New Mexico (UNM) Institute of Public Law and a member of the UNM law school faculty, where he is now emeritus. Paul has returned to his home state of Florida. He is committed to increasing advocacy resources and advancing health and economic justice in Florida and other Southern states.

Paul is a past president of the American Society on Aging and a founding member of the ABA Commission on Law and Aging. He has also served as National Secretary of the Gray Panthers and is a past Chair of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM); he is currently on the NCPSSM Board. Paul graduated from Duke University (JD) and the University of Chicago (MCompLaw).

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