Be the Voice: An Evening for Elder Advocacy

A Night Supporting CARIE’s Elder Advocacy

Be The Voice brings our community together in support of the rights and well-being of older adults, elevating CARIE’s work, and strengthening our advocacy.

Join us on May 21st from 5:30pm-8:30pm at the beautiful College of Physicians of Philadelphia for fabulous food, open wine and beer bar, live music, special awards, and exciting live and online auctions. Philadelphia’s Jim Donovan, CBS3 News Anchor, will be our emcee for the evening.

To learn more about how you can Be The Voice supporting the dignity, rights, and well-being of older adults, please visit our official event website or click the button below to purchase tickets today.

We look forward to sharing a wonderful evening with you!

Celebrating Generations Gala

Celebrating Generations Gala 6pm Thursday May 2 2024 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts

Join Us


2024 Spirit of Carie Award

Paul Nathanson, 2024 Spirit of CARIE Award Honoree

Paul is a national leader in legal services and elder justice. He has dedicated his career to ensuring that legal services lawyers on the national, state, and local levels can effectively fight senior poverty and address barriers for those facing the most significant health and wealth disparities. Paul founded Justice in Aging (formerly the National Senior Citizens Law Center) and was the Executive Director from 1972 to 1980.

He returned to lead Justice in Aging from 2008-13 and now serves as special counsel, working on projects such as the organization’s efforts to restore and improve the Supplemental Security Income program. In between, he was the director of the University of New Mexico (UNM) Institute of Public Law and a member of the UNM law school faculty, where he is now emeritus. Paul has returned to his home state of Florida. He is committed to increasing advocacy resources and advancing health and economic justice in Florida and other Southern states.

Paul is a past president of the American Society on Aging and a founding member of the ABA Commission on Law and Aging. He has also served as National Secretary of the Gray Panthers and is a past Chair of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM); he is currently on the NCPSSM Board. Paul graduated from Duke University (JD) and the University of Chicago (MCompLaw).

Upcoming Webinar – “What Advocates Need to Know about CHC’s LTSS Grievance and Appeals Process”

CARIE concludes its webinar series on Wednesday, October 28 with an upcoming presentation on Community HealthChoices appeals and grievance processes. Please see below for more information, or register here.

Fourth and final webinar in a series to learn about the application and redetermination process for Community HealthChoices (CHC) Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS). This webinar will focus on appeals for clinical and financial eligibility denials as well as the grievance process for CHC participants who are facing reductions, terminations, or denials of needed LTSS. Among the information shared will be the consumer’s right to file an appeal, steps in the process, key deadlines, notices sent to participants, gathering information in support of appeals, and where to go for help. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions.

The webinar will be held on Wednesday, October 28 from 2-4pm. This webinar will be recorded and the recording and slides will be posted to after the webinar.

Register here. Contact Kathy Cubit at [email protected] for more information. As always, if experiencing enrollment or CHC related problems, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-356-3606, 215-545-5728, or by email at [email protected] for assistance.

Jacqueline R. Jefferson Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award

Jacqueline Jefferson’s life reflects her deep commitment to others and to her community. Mrs. Jefferson’s concern for the welfare of her fellow Philadelphians extends across the life cycle, from her contributions to the education of children as a volunteer at the Franklin Institute to her work improving the lives of elders experiencing the challenges of cognitive impairment through her volunteer work at Artz Philadelphia to her advocacy for the frailest elders as a volunteer in CARIE’s Long Term Care Ombudsman program. For over two decades, Mrs. Jefferson’s tireless commitment to CARIE as a volunteer in the Pennsylvania SMP has helped this statewide initiative become a model for the national SMP community. Her genuine concern for her peers and her ability to engage her audiences have helped thousands of Medicare beneficiaries protect themselves from fraud and abusive scams. Mrs. Jefferson’s patience and kindness, along with her sense of humor, contribute to her effectiveness as a volunteer, educator, and advocate.

Mrs. Jefferson is a past recipient of the Spirit of CARIE award. This year, in recognition of her continued work to advance CARIE’s mission, CARIE is establishing the annual Jacqueline R. Jefferson Outstanding Volunteer Award. Mrs. Jefferson’s selection as the first recipient of the award named in her honor acknowledges her important contributions to the betterment of our community.

Upcoming Webinar – What You Need to Know About Medicaid Financial Eligibility for CHC LTSS

CARIE is facilitating a webinar about Medicaid financial eligibility for Community HealthChoices’ (CHC) Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) for both the initial application and annual renewal.  Successfully navigating this process was challenging pre-COVID but even more so now.  The webinar, What You Need to Know About Medicaid Financial Eligibility for CHC LTSS, features Marcia Mikos from the Department of Human Services, Bureau of Policy, on Wednesday, July 22 from 10-11 AM.  This will be the first webinar in a series to learn about the application and renewal process for CHC LTSS.  During this webinar, Marcia will answer questions and explain the financial component of the Medicaid LTSS application process including:

  • who is eligible – the financial eligibility criteria
  • what documents are needed to submit at time of application and renewal
  • what to do when an applicant’s resources are above the limit
  • how to use the undue hardship waiver process for applicants who transfer assets
  • the MAWD and spend-down options for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) applicants or recipients with incomes above the HCBS income limits

Register here if interested and feel free to share the invitation link.  The webinar will be recorded and posted.  Contact Kathy Cubit at [email protected] for more information.

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