Recent Phone Scams in PA
Phone scams are very common in our state and across the country. If you receive a call from someone you don’t know who asks for personal information, just hang up the phone. Medicare and Social Security never call you and ask for your information.
- Montgomery: A consumer received unsolicited calls from a company selling back, wrist and knee braces. She gave her Medicare number and they sent her a box full of off-the-shelf braces and charged Medicare nearly $5,000. This is a scam! If you need a piece of medical equipment, call your own doctor first.
- Bedford: A beneficiary reported that someone called her saying they were from Medicare. The caller said they have the beneficiary’s new Medicare card information but had to verify their old Medicare card number over the phone. This is a scam!
- Philadelphia: A beneficiary received an automated call that said “This is your final notice. If you do not act soon, Medicare will label you ineligible for coverage. Press “1” now to speak with me or another specialist, or press “9” to be put on the Do Not Call List.” This is a scam! Don’t press any buttons – just hang up!
The PA Senior Medicare Patrol (PA-SMP) at CARIE works to prevent Medicare fraud and abuse and to protect Medicare beneficiaries. If you think you may have experienced a scam or fraud, call the PA-SMP. A real person will answer your call – no buttons to push or menus to follow.
Archived Scam Wires